The Teamsters National Black Caucus (TNBC) is an organization of black Teamster men and women, who are united by their special concerns for rights and conditions of workers. Working within the framework of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Constitution, the TNBC seeks to address pressing issues confronting black workers ranging from increased participation to outreach to the African-American community and other communities of color. The TNBC is not a union.
At its founding, the TNBC had four (4) important goals. They were:
To organize and educate the unorganized in our communities throughout the United States
To promote affirmative action in the work place and in our community
To encourage political action and legislation
To increase black participation and uphold the principles of the Teamsters’ movement and to foster the opportunity for all Teamsters to serve in leadership capacities, throughout the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and the affiliates.
As a member of the TNBC, you become part of a nationwide organization working within the Teamsters Union to give a stronger voice in your work place, in your union and in running you government at all levels.
Join the TNBC Memphis Delta Chapter to stay up to date on important matters and policies affecting you at work, home, and in your community. As a member, you will have full access to the member's resources and the ability to manage your settings. You will also have the option to be added to relevant mailing lists to receive important emails on current matters.
Your registration will be verified within 48-72 hours by an official, and your account will be activated upon successful verification.
Are you ready to JOIN? Click the Become A Member button below to start your registration process.